Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

Student must meet following entry requirements to study at Melbourne Metro College.

Academic Requirements

Ideally students would have successfully completed Australian equivalent of Year 12 or higher. In absence of any formal academic qualification, student will need to undertake a Pre-Training Review and LLN test to determine learner’s suitability and eligibility into the course.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy test (LLN)

  • Student undertaking courses at MMC must possess sound Literacy and Numeracy skills to successfully complete the courses at MMC.
  • All students are required to undertake a language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) test mapped at ACSF conducted by MMC. The ACSF level required for each course is as below:
  • CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and care ACSF Level 3
Oral communication

If students do not meet English and LLN requirements, students will be asked to take further Language, literacy and numeracy training e.g.  EAL programs.


Pre-training review

All student must undertake pre-training review prior to the enrolment which aims to identify their training needs through questions on previous education or training, relevance of the courses to student, basic computing skills and interview conducted by MMC enrolment officer. Interview also aims to identify possible CT/RPL opportunities, confirm oral communication skills. Through pre-training review, student will demonstrate that they have necessary skills to successfully complete the course.

Additional Requirement for Early Childhood Education and Care

Student enrolled in Early Childhood Education and Care are required to undertake Work base training (WBT) as part of their course. Prior to the start of Work-Based Training components student must be able to obtain:

  1. A satisfactory and valid National Police clearance
  2. A satisfactory and valid Working with Children Check

Materials and Equipment Requirement

Although Melbourne Metro College will provide access to computers/laptops with required resources during classroom hours however to work on assignments and tasks for self-study, all leaners are expected to have access to a laptop or computer with the Windows 7 operating system or higher. Students must have an active email address for communication and be contactable by phone (mobile or landline) and by mail (postal address).

All leaners are expected to have access to MS office application such as Microsoft Word, and an email platform.

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Financial Aid

We are committed to making a world-class education affordable.

About 80%

of all students receive financial aid

Tuition covered

for undergrads with family incomes below $150,000

Tuition, room & board covered

for undergrads with family incomes below $65,000

Graduate aid available

based on available funds and academic merit